Mimi Kato

Cleveland, Ohio

Mimi Kato, native to Nara, Japan, has lived and worked in the US since 1998. She resides in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Kato earned her BA in photography from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri, in 2002, then completed her MFA at the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2006. She has participated in prestigious artist residency programs in New Mexico, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Cleveland. Kato has exhibited nationally and internationally, including at Artpace, San Antonio; the Roswell (NM) Museum of Art; the Grand Rapids Art Museum; Fotofest, Houston; and the Ballina Art Center in Ireland. Kato received a 2013 Creative Workforce Fellowship from Community Partnership for Arts and Culture. Also in 2013, she partnered with Cleveland Metroparks and SPACES to create a dual installation calling attention to the vast number of invasive species inhabiting the landscape.

Mimi Kato was selected by NMWA to be featured in Organic Matters – Women to Watch 2015 in Washington D.C.

Visit her online: mimikato.com