Kristine Donnelly
Inspired by historical ornament and pattern, Kristine Donnelly creates large-scale cut paper sculptures. Kristine’s work is the result of a painstaking laborious process. Using a simple blade, Kristine hand cuts intricate designs into patterned paper. The patterns are an unrecognizable image inspired by wallpaper, lace, and geometry. Through screenprinting, Kristine reproduces and repeats the patterns onto long rolls of paper, waiting to be cut. The repetitive motion, the choreographed act of cutting and printing the pattern is both meditative and obsessive. The cutting destroys sections of the printed pattern and reveals fragments of designs and walls hidden below.
Rather than hiding or preserving its fragility, Kristine’s work tests the tolerance of paper. Through cutting, stitching, pinning, and stretching, Kristine pushes the material to its most fragile skeleton and beyond. As Kristine struggles to transform such an ephemeral material, Kristine’s work questions the function and frivolity of decoration.
Learn more at Kristen’s website: